
Medication Health News



Too much of social websites to poor teen mental health

ID-100127343A study conducted in Ottawa, Canada to analyzed survey responses of 750 students from grade seven to grade twelve. The study aimed to assess the effects of social networking in these individuals. Usage of social networking for more than two hours were practiced by 1/4 of the students, while 1/5 claimed to “rarely” engage in social networking. The researchers found that students who spent two hours on social media described their mental health status as “poor”. In addition, participants with higher time spent on social networking had higher distress as well as suicidal rates. How do you balance social networking in your life?

For more information please see Webmed.

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Vaccine success holds hope for end to deadly scourge of Ebola

ID-100291315Ebola outbreak was a fear for the whole wide world. The Guinea trial that started last March was done to test VSV-ZEBOV vaccine, also known as ring vaccine. Close to 4000 people who came into contacts with patients with confirmed cases of Ebola were immunized immediately.  A high protection rates were seen in those who were immunized. This vaccine will be tested now in children as young as age 6. What are your thoughts and concerns about this new vaccine?

For more information please see Reuters

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Addressing opioid drug misuse in America

ID-100317718Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published a study that links prescription opioid misuse with illicit opioid use, specifically heroin. The study investigated tendencies of heroin users in the US from 2002 to 2013, among all demographics. There was a 90% increase in the rate of people diagnosed with past-year heroin use or dependence; the majority of which were among men, 19-25 years old, people of less than US$ 20000 annual household income, people living in urban areas, and those without health insurance. Moreover, there was a highest (138%) increase in past year heroin users who reported past year use of non-medical opioid pain relievers, followed by reports of cocaine use.  Some of the initiatives taken to minimize opioid misuse problems include the hand-held auto injector for naloxone that was approved by the FDA and the extensive Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan lunched by the White House. In addition, a recommended action against opioid misuse was to provide better access and insurance coverage to evidence-based substance abuse treatments such as buprenorphine or methadone, promoting naloxone use for opioid pain reliever abuse and heroin overdoses. What programs related to opioid misuse are offered through your practice?

For additional information please read THE LANCET

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The Effect of Lavender Oil in Patients with Renal Colic

ID-100313187A study recently published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine assessed the use of lavender oil as an add on therapy to treat pain associated with renal colics. The study evaluated 100 patients ranging in age range between 19 and 64. Fifty of the participants received the standard treatment of injection of diclofenac, while the other 50 also received lavender oil in addition to diclofenac. Pain was evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS), and was assessed at the beginning, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after treatment. The study showed that at the beginning and 10 minutes after medication was received the VAS scores was similar in both groups. However, thirty minutes later the group that received an additional lavender treatment had VAS scores that were lower compared to those who only received standard treatment of diclofenac. Have you ever experimented with use of lavender oil for pain?  Would you consider recommending lavender oil to someone interested in slowly tapering off their pain control medications?

For more information please see The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

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Poor Diabetes Control Found In Older Americans.

ID-10090006The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) followed a group of middle age adults from various states – a subgroup of ARIC participants (1,574 of older adults) with diabetes between 2011 and 2013 was evaluated by the team of researchers in terms of the following three measures: hemoglobin A1c, LDL levels and blood pressures. Only 35% of participants previously met their A1C, LDL and blood pressure goals from the American Diabetes Association (ADA). With a recent change to less stringent goals for older adults from the ADA, the data looks better now, however, only 68% of the participants met the new goals. The researchers assume that people at this age get sick more often which make it a challenge to keep their blood glucose levels at goal. Over-treating this population can put them at higher risk for adverse effects as well. What are some strategies you take with older patients who have diabetes?


For more information please see Public health news for John Hopkins.

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Hormone Linked to Social Difficulties With Autism.

ID-10054907Vasopressin is a hormone that maintains blood pressure. According to a new study conducted in the Stanford School of Medicine, this hormone may play a role in social behavior in children with autism.  The researchers evaluated levels of vasopressin in the blood and compared them with those in the cerebrospinal fluid of 28 children and adults. Participants were divided into three groups (children with autism, children with siblings with autism and children with no siblings with autism). Children were tested for cognitive, emotional and social skills. The study found that low levels of vasopressin affected only those children who suffered from autism. What are some of your favorite resources for counseling/educating parents and/or patients with autism?

For more information please see Webmed.

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Coffee drinking may lower inflammation, reduce diabetes risk


In a new study conducted by the department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Harokopio University in Athens, Greece and published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers evaluated coffee drinking habits of more than 1,300 men and women age 18 years and older. 385 of the participants drank more than 1.5 cups of coffee per day thus were considered ‘habitual’ drinkers, while 816 drank less than 1.5 cups of coffee par day and were considered ‘casual’ drinkers; the rest of the participants didn’t consume coffee at all. Levels of inflammatory protein markers and anti-oxidant levels were measured as an indication of the body’s ability to minimize free radicals effect that causes cell damage.  Previous studies suggest that oxidative stress accelerates the dysfunction of pancreatic beta-cells. Scientists  confirmed in this research that blood levels of the anti-inflammatory marker, amyloid, were lower in the habitual coffee drinkers group. After ten years, 191 study participants developed type two diabetes. Habitual coffee drinkers were 54% less likely to develop diabetes compared to non-coffee drinkers. What are some of your main reasons (other than the stimulant effects) why you consume coffee?

For additional information please visit Reuters.

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Regular Yoga Practice Improves Antioxidant Status, Immune Function, and Stress Hormone Releases in Young Healthy People.

ID-100219503The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine just published a randomized double-blind study evaluating the effects of yoga on immune function, antioxidant levels and stress hormones. The study recruited 25 healthy university students in Korea. 13 of them were randomized to ‘no yoga’ intervention while the other 12 practiced yoga with an instructor for 90 minutes once a week. Participants were also advised to practice yoga with a DVD sample for 40 minutes daily. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and 12 weeks later. After study completion researchers concluded that yoga had a positive impact toward all end points (antioxidant status, immune function and stress hormone release). What is your favorite yoga class/style/teacher?

For more information please see  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

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High blood pressure danger equal for slim and obese alike.

ID-10038425Studies in the past have shown normal weight or lean individuals with hypertension had a worse chance of developing stroke and heart failure. However, a new study of 3,657 men and women with no cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes prior to the study showed different results. The participants were divided into categories based on their weight circumference and BMI (underweight, healthy, overweight, obese and very obese). During the 10 years of the study participants were monitored for hospital admissions, procedures, cardiovascular disease or death every 9-12 month. At the end, researchers concluded those with healthy weight and no blood pressure problems were at low risk, while obese individuals with normal blood pressure were at greater risk. However, the presence of high blood pressure equally increased the risk for obese and healthy weight individuals. What are some of your favorite lifestyle recommendations for preventing/controlling high blood pressure?

For more information please see  Reuters

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