Our Center for Drug Information and Natural Products is a part of the MCPHS University (formerly known as the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences).  This blog provides updates in the world of pharmacy and natural products.

The faculty of the Center teach pharmacy students in the area of drug literature evaluation, over-the-counter drugs and self-care products, herbal and dietary supplements, complementary and alternative medicine and sustainability. Our senior students help us to run this blog and answer questions from the Center’s callers.

When we are not answering questions or teaching students, we are a group of three drug information pharmacists who love good food, traveling and our puppies/kitties.

If you have any specific drug/natural product information questions, please do not post them here. Call us at 617 732-2759.

The comments and posts are those of the site administrators and do not necessarily reflect MCPHS University opinions, strategies or policies. MCPHS University reserves the right to alter, delete or remove content (without notice) at its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever.