
Medication Health News


Women’s Health

Breastfeeding linked to higher IQ

ID-10068912A Brazilian study published in The Lancet Global Health involving approximately 3,500 babies has demonstrated a positive link between breastfeeding duration and intelligence. Led by Dr. Bernardo Lessa Horta, this study took into account numerous confounding factors which could have driven this association (e.g. mother’s education, family income, child’s birth weight). Participants of the study performed/received breastfeeding that lasted a few weeks to over one year. The babies who were breastfed longer not only scored higher on intelligence assessments but were also more likely to receive more schooling and higher wages as adults. Dr. Horta believes this association is seen because long-chain fatty acids, of which breast milk is a good source, are essential for brain development. How often do you get questions about breastfeeding from your patients? What obstacles may discourage a mother from breastfeeding?

For more information, please click here.

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Morning-After Pills Don’t Cause Abortion, Studies Say

58_copyThere has been a heated debate regarding whether emergency contraception should be covered by insurance thereby forcing employers to offer it. Opponents consider emergency contraceptives similar to an abortion pill, while advocates use scientific evidence to dispel what they consider to be a misconception. This article states that both Plan B and Ella are emergency contraceptives and not abortifacients, like RU486 (Mifeprex). Studies have shown that Plan B primarily acts by preventing ovulation and therefore fertilization and pregnancy.  The current point of contention is with Ella which is chemically similar to RU486.  While some studies say it is similar to Plan B and ineffective after ovulation, the debate ensues. How do you think the results of these studies will effect healthcare coverage of emergency contraception?

For more information on this article please see NPR

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Beginning August 1st, some women will get certain health benefits at no cost.

All new health insurance plans are now required to offer an array of women’s preventative health services for free.  These benefits include but are not limited to contraception, routine check-ups for breast and pelvic exams, and screening for gestational diabetes.   Women in insurance plans that existed prior to the reform may have to pay a portion for these services.  As a result of these changes, will you encourage your female patients to utilize these services and improve their health?

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